Terms of Participation

1. Eligibility and description of the competition

Zur Teilnahme am Wettbewerb sind alle sich als weiblich identifizierenden und nicht-binäre Music Producer mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz berechtigt, die mindestens zwei eigene Musikproduktionen und maximal eine Co-Musikproduktion sowie die erforderlichen Informationen einreichen. Im Verlauf des Wettbewerbs müssen weiterhin eine Künstlerinnen*-Biographie, Kontaktdaten und ein Foto eingereicht werden. Bei Bewerbung müssen Teilnahmebedingungen und rechtliche Hinweise zur Kenntnis genommen und akzeptiert werden.

The assessment criteria will be the quality of the submitted productions and the producer’s own musical footprint. The applications will be reviewed and evaluated by a specialist jury.

The Female* Producer Prize is awarded to 5 to 10 female* music producers. Participants agree to the publication of their name and submitted photo in the event of a prize being awarded.

The Female* Producer Prize is all about you as a producer. This means how you get to the essence of a song or track and how you implement your vision. This can also be evidenced in Lo-Fi productions and in the popular MP3 format. You can rely our jury to get to the heart of your production.

About the productions
-Every genre is welcome
-Two completely self-produced tracks are required. A co-production is possible
- Tracks / songs that you have produced for other artists (i.e. not for your own project) are very welcome

The current prize can be found on the APPLY page .

2. Promotors

The Promoters and presenters are Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH, Bülowstr. 80, 10783 Berlin / Music Women* Germany e.V. Sternstrasse 4, 20357 Hamburg.

3. Participation / exclusion

Participation and the chance to win are free of charge and independent of the purchase of a product of the Promoter or affiliated companies. Persons excluded from participation shall not be entitled to a prize, even in the event of a prize being awarded.

a. Minimum age

The minimum age for participation is 18 years.

b.Territorial restriction

Only persons with permanent residence in Germany, Austria or Switzerland shall be eligible to participate.

c. Exclusion of employees and relatives

Legal representatives and employees of the Promoter, affiliated companies and companies involved in the promotion, as well as their relatives, are excluded from participation.

d. Exclusion in the event of multiple entries, mass submissions or other manipulation

The Promoter reserves the right to exclude from the promotion multiple entries (e.g. under several names, accounts or e-mail addresses) or conspicuous entries or mass entries in this respect, for example from competition sites or competition clubs. Persons who (attempt to) gain an advantage by using unauthorized aids or technical manipulation shall also be excluded.

e. Exclusion in tbe event of violation / on good grounds

Any violation of these terms and conditions shall entitle the Promoter to exclude participants from participation without prior notice being given.

f. Exclusion due to non-consent to the conditions

Persons shall also be excluded from participation if, or as soon as, consent to the Special and/or General Terms and Conditions of Participation and the data protection provisions is not given or if such is revoked.

h. Participation in own name / non-transfer

Participation is only possible in one's own name. Claims to a prize are not transferable.

4. Data

Personal data such as name, e-mail address and links to websites and/or social media profile(s) is required for the execution the promotion. Participants shall be responsible for the accuracy of the contact details provided. In any case, the Promoter shall not be obligated to determine whether contact details are correct. The data will be stored by the Promoter until the promotion is completed.

a. Data protection

The data provided by the participant shall be treated in accordance with this data protection statement, which the participant has viewed on the website www.sonymusic.de/Datenschutz. and expressly and separately consented to.

b. Nutzung des Namens der Gewinnerinnen* etc.

In the event of winning, participants hereby grant permission for their (artist) name, photo, information texts and quotes in connection with the prize to be published on the Promoter's online presence (website, social media, etc.) and in press releases.

c. Withdrawal of data

Participants may revoke their consent to the collection and storage of data at any time. Such a revocation can be sent to [email protected] . The Promoter shall then delete the participant’s data, which will also end participation in the promotion. Should the deletion of such data be contrary to legal regulations, the data shall in any case be blocked with regard to further use.

d. Non-liability for obtaining of data

The Promoter shall be liable for neither technical problems concerning the transmission of content, nor for the availability or error-free nature of the competition websites.

5. Übermittlung von Content

In some cases, participation in promotions requires the sending/submission of contributions and/or material. In this respect, the following applies:

a. No unauthorized content

It is prohibited within the framework of promotions to transmit or make available any content that is punishable, pornographic, harmful to minors, racist or otherwise extremist or discriminatory.

b. Copyright, rights of use (incl. trademark rights, etc.)

Participants shall ensure that s/he is the sole owner of all rights of use and exploitation pertaining to the content transmitted by him/her and shall bear responsibility for such. In particular, it may not contain any trademarks, protected marks, industrial property rights, works protected by copyright or performance protection law or other intellectual property of third parties, unless the rights holder has issued unrestricted consent. S/he shall indemnify the Promoter from all third-party claims in this respect. Contributions that infringe such third-party rights or which, in the opinion of the promoter, might infringe such rights shall be excluded from participation at the Promoter's discretion. At the request of the Promoter, the participant shall undertake to sign additional written agreements for the transfer of rights to transmitted content or to present such rights transfers from third parties.

c. Non-exclusive granting of rights of use

The participant shall transfer to the Promoter, free of charge, a simple, irrevocable, transferable and temporally, locally unlimited right of use for the transmitted contents for non-commercial use in the context of the communication of the competition. Statutory claims shall remain unaffected.

d. Property rights

Materials transmitted or sent to the Promoter shall become the property of the Promoter without limitation. The Promoter shall not be obliged to return any material sent.

e. Exclusion of individual contributions

Materials transmitted or sent to the Promoter shall become the property of the Promoter without limitation. The Promoter shall not be obliged to return any material sent.

f. Non-liability for acquisition

The Promoter shall be liable for neither technical problems concerning the transmission of content, nor for the availability or error-free nature of the competition websites.

Participants shall ensure that they do not transmit to the Promoter any content that is contrary to the above principles.

5. Notification, acceptance period/expiration

Winners shall be notified by e-mail or via any other communication channel specified in the application. This notification shall take place within approximately eight weeks of the closing date. Should a winner not be available and/or not declare acceptance of the prize within 2 days, the prize shall be forfeited and a new winner shall be decided upon.

 6. Exclusions regarding the prize

a. No cash payment or reimbursement

Payment of the cash value shall not be possible.

Winners shall not be entitled to claim for additional costs and expenses, such as travel, food or similar costs, in addition to the prize, unless they are expressly part of the prize or the assumption of such costs has been declared by the Promoter on an individual basis.

b. Ausschluss des Rechtswegs

Legal action is excluded.

7. Exclusion of liability

In providing and arranging the prizes, the Promoter excludes liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty, provided that these do not affect any contractual obligations, damages arising from injury to life, body or health or guarantees or claims under the Product Liability Act. The same shall apply to breaches of duty by the vicarious agents of the Promoter.

 8. Miscellaneous

German law shall apply. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising in connection with the promotion shall be Munich, insofar as such is permissible.